Help shape the future of Fertile Ground Food Cooperative!!
Help shape the future of Fertile Ground Food Cooperative!!
As stated in our bylaws, the Fertile Ground Food Cooperative Board of Directors is the group entrusted with the power to govern the Cooperative, and to ensure “that the mission of the Cooperative is carried out.”
The annual selection of board members is a critical contribution each member-owner makes to the health of the cooperative. Fertile Ground Food Cooperative is founded on democratic member control, meaning that board members are directly elected by and accountable to our member-owners. Our success depends on your involvement!
Want to cast your vote?
The cooperative’s voting period will run from Monday, December 18th to Sunday, December 31st. Please stay tuned to your email for details on your electronic ballot!
You can also learn more about the elections by attending our annual member-owner meeting on Saturday, December 2nd, from 2-4PM at the Southeast Raleigh YMCA (1436 Rock Quarry Rd. Raleigh, NC 27610). You can RSVP for this event today!
Want to serve on Fertile Ground Food Cooperative’s Board of Directors?
Are you a proud member-owner of Fertile Ground Food Cooperative, and an active supporter of the cooperative’s mission? Do you want to become even more involved with the path towards opening a community-owned grocery store in Southeast Raleigh?
Then please consider nominating yourself to join our Board of Directors!! Our board terms are 3-year appointments. All FGFC member-owners are eligible for board service, and we strongly encourage member-owners with legal, accounting, or other financial training to apply!
If you are interested, please complete the following form and send it to by Friday, December 8th. The cooperative’s election committee will be in touch with you after this date to confirm your participation!
If you would like to learn more about the board process, we strongly encourage you to attend our December 2nd member-owner meeting. We'll be sharing more about what board involvement entails, and current board members will be able to provide 1-on-1 support for those with questions about the candidate form.